From the drop down menu select the object being designed. Beams are restrained along their length with Rafters or Joists framed into the side of the beam. Lintels, have Joists or Rafters sitting on top of them, and the bottom of the Lintel must be no more than 400mm below the Top Plate (in accordance with NZS3604:2011). Lintels exceeding this amount will need to be checked for Face Loadings. Refer Face Loaded members for these.
Select the Supporting load cases for the beam/lintel being designed for.
If none of these are appropriate please contact Specifi Help.
Enter the Beam span in metres (m).
The span is the length between the faces of the supporting posts and/or the length to the centreline of a supporting beam/lintel.
Select the beams Deflection (max) from the drop down list. this helps the software chose the correct member for your design.
The options are;
For example: A beam/lintel with a span of 2.0 m and “Minimal Deflection” selected has an allowable deflection of 5.55mm (minimum of Span/360 = 5.55mm or 6mm).
Enter a label or name to help you identify the beam/lintel.
Note Specifi numbers each Beam / Lintel automatically
Enter in the load Elements details, Note the list of options will change depending on whats selected under Supporting selection above. By clicking on the next to roof, wall and floor this will explain the weight options to select from.
Select the weight of the roof. Enter in the roof span length in metres (m) and select the eve width from the drop down menu. Note if the load case has two roofs there is no eves option for the lower roof so enter the max eve width of both.
Select the weight of the wall and enter the height
Select the weight of the floor and Live Load (L/L). if the live load permanent (such as storage) click the permanent option.